Energy Audits

Hard to believe, but it's true. Those small air leaks in your home can add up to higher electric bills, especially during the summer and winter months.
That's why Carroll Electric offers its members free home energy audits to assist in keeping your electric bills down and your home energy efficient all year round.
Here's how the audit works:
A specially-trained Energy Specialist will come to your home and evaluate the energy efficiency of the building, household appliances, electronics, your heating and cooling system, and the lighting system.
Once the evaluation is complete, you'll be given a detailed list of recommendations showing what steps can be taken to reduce your energy use. The written review provides you with a variety of energy savings options. You can use these recommendations to choose an option that best suits your budget.
And, the best's all for free! For more information or to see if this service is right for you, please call 800-432-9720 or simply submit the form below.
There are many other resources for educating yourself on home energy efficiency. Start here from the experts at ENERGY STAR.